Bally : Hi-Fi
Game Parameters | |
Game Type | one-card |
Game Number | 559 |
Manufacture Date | 1954 |
Number of Holes | 25 |
Number of Odds Steps | 8 |
Max Payout | 300 |
Max Extra Balls | 3 |
Features |
- chris dade image
- bg 1
- cab 1
- cab 2
- fly 1
- int 1
- int 2
- int 3
- int 4
- int 5
- int 6
- int 7
- int 8
Game Manual
- manual (pdf) : 12.42MB
- unoptimized manual (pdf) : 39.85MB
Press Image
- mp 1
- pf 1
Service Bulletin
- sk253a-spring sleeve
- schematic : 7.76MB
S/I Card Scan
- siscan 1
- siscan 2
Never let it be said Bally didn't try new things. Hi-Fi introduced the bump feature, and it was so popular it was used on zero machines afterwards.The bump feature was just a couple big solenoids that tugged the playfield when you pushed a button. I guess it was a way to give the ball a good nudge off a post without tilting the game, but since the only control you really have over a bingo besides shooting the ball into the playfield is shaking the machine, the bump feature takes away half the entertainment.
one-card games
The game has one main card, usually a 5x5 grid of numbers.Usually, at least three numbers next to each other on either a horizontal, vertical, or the main 5 number diagonals are required to win.
There were, however, a few variations that occured over the years. The dimensions of the card, 2-in-line winners, and winning on the other diagonal combinations were all features that were used.
Another common feature was corners scoring.
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