Williams : Long Beach

Game Parameters
Game Type three-card
Game Number 75
Manufacture Date 1952
Number of Holes 25
Number of Odds Steps 0
Max Payout 200
Max Extra Balls 3
 - bg 1
 - bg 2

 - cabinet front
 - cabinet side
 - head

 - fly 1

 - back door
 - ball counter wiring
 - ball lift motor
 - ball trough
 - double setup relay
 - double unit wipers
 - double unit wiring
 - extra ball selector wiring
 - extra ball unit wiring
 - fuses
 - insert panel
 - inside cabinet
 - mixer unit wipers
 - mixer unit wiring
 - percentage unit wipers
 - percentage unit wiring
 - playfield bottom
 - relay motor
 - replay score unit
 - search unit cams
 - search unit wipers
 - shutter
 - wire substitution card
 - 0-900 unit wipers
 - 1 to 99 replay unit

Game Manual
 - manual (pdf) : 6.88MB

 - extra ball adjust plug
 - extra ball adjust plug (svg file)

Mixer Diagrams
 - mixer unit: mixer mixer unit
 - mixer unit: mixer mixer unit (svg file)

 - playfield
 - pf 1

 - schematic : 7.23MB

S/I Card Scan
 - score card

Timing Diagrams
 - relay motor
 - relay motor (svg file)
 - shutter ball lift
 - shutter ball lift (svg file)
 - stack operating sequence
 - stack operating sequence (svg file)

Unit Diagrams
 - ball counter unit
 - ball counter unit (svg file)
 - double adjust plugs
 - double unit
 - double unit (svg file)
 - extra ball selection unit
 - extra ball selection unit (svg file)
 - extra ball unit
 - extra ball unit (svg file)
 - percentage unit
 - percentage unit (svg file)
 - 0 to 900 replay unit
 - 0 to 900 replay unit (svg file)

Long Beach

Basic in-line game with a score double feature which advances a lit arrow every time a ball drops through the return hole. The advancing is enabled for balls 2-X in play. X is configurable via jumpers on some games and is in the range 3-5. Stingy operators would have the game set so only balls 2-3 could advance the arrow.

The schematic implies that on some versions of the game you needed to be playing all three cards for balls 4-5 to advance the arrows, and there was no operator adjustment.

You need a returned ball advancing arrows 15 times for the double feature to light, but the advance does not reset after each game - even if you power off - so it's similar to the spell name feature on some United games.

When you get the doubling enabled, the next win on each of the three cards will score double. Once you double score on a card, doubling for that card is turned off, but the others remain on until they score. The feature only resets after you have scored on all three cards - or you turn off the game.

three-card games

This type of game has three 5x5 bingo cards on the backglass.

Some games enable one card per coin/credit guaranteed, others enable the additional cards on mystery intervals.
