
Web Sites
Site Description
Bally Bingos in Britain We all knew the brits make good chocolate and serve beer at cellar temperatures, now we know they have bingos!
Bally Bingos in Holland Franz is trying to teach us ... ummm ... dutch? Drink enough scotch, and you can pronounce "aantrekkingskracht" like a native....or click the british flag and see the english version.
Coos Repro Parts Coos is working the repro parts issues - lockdown bar metal bits and backglasses.
Bingo Colors A Japanese bingo site, but lots of pictures. Also shows some of the Sigma machines.
Danny Leach's Bingo Site Danny promises to use english instead of techno-babble, and organize it so you can find things :-)
Raymond Watts Machine Site Ray's site has bingo and other info.
Pinball Australia Easier to understand info on how the games work. Info on repair of pinball games. Nothing specifically about bingos, but the general info on electromechanical games applies. The info on backglass/playfield restoration is great.
Pinball Classifieds Probably the best classifieds for pinball
Amusement Trader Classifieds More commercial postings on this site. If ya don't see any bingos, you can consider all sorts of other stuff popping out of arcade/carnival operator sheds.
Internet Pinball Database Database of almost all pinball games ever made. Has some additional bingo data, too.

Publication Description
Bally Bingo Machines The only book on bingos ever published. Written by Jeffrey Lawton, it's currently available.