Miss America
Found by : dave inston (uk), justin (australia), franzp (netherlands)

What do you do when you are sitting on a pile of old Miss America (1957) games and people want to play the newer Miss America games (circa 1974). Well, one novel solution is to repaint the cabinets, drop in a new playfield (maybe made from real Bally Miss America '75 playfield blanks, maybe made locally), and stick in a backglass with artwork as close to the newer machine as you can get.

So how do we know it's a Miss America '57? There's only five buttons in the foot rail, no R-button, and the layout of the scores is the same as Miss America '57.

Reports are that it was a pretty good refurb job, though.

A source in belgium helped out!

The text on top of the back glass on page says:

"Only for amusement - Please pay your credits cash - 2 BEF/credit (Belgian Francs)" (In Flemish and French, as this is a bilingual country)

The credits were put on the machine using a remote control. The older model used an old circular telephone dial, later models used pushbuttons. Gamblers often asked for credit to keep on playing after their pockets were empty, but the barowner never saw the money if the gambler lost. This often led to discussions between the barowner and the machine operator as they divided the takings on a % basis. That's why the small paper was put on the machine. The player was payed out his credit but as these machines were on the edge of illegality the "Amusement only" warning protected the barowner if the police made troubles. The law recently changed to make these games legal for both players (over 18 years old) and game operators.

These are refurbished cabinets, the backglass was made in Belgium. (many were broken by angry players).

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