United : Cabana
Game Parameters | |
Game Type | one-card |
Game Number | unknown |
Manufacture Date | 1953 |
Number of Holes | 25 |
Number of Odds Steps | 0 |
Max Payout | 200 |
Max Extra Balls | 3 |
Features |
Backglass- bg 1
- cab 1
- cab 2
- cab 3
- fly 1
- int 1
- int 2
- int 3
- int 4
- int 5
- int 6
- int 7
- int 8
- int 9
- int 10
- int 11
- int 12
- pf 1
- pf 2
- schematic : 8.20MB
S/I Card Photo
- sipic 1
- sipic 2
Lagging six months behind Bally's Palm Beach, United cranks out a game that basically copies a bunch of Bally features. Or who knows, maybe United thought them up and Bally stole them and got them out the door first.Most notably, the knob on the front door lets a player choose which numbers to spot, and advancing odds is added to a United game for the first time.
one-card games
The game has one main card, usually a 5x5 grid of numbers.Usually, at least three numbers next to each other on either a horizontal, vertical, or the main 5 number diagonals are required to win.
There were, however, a few variations that occured over the years. The dimensions of the card, 2-in-line winners, and winning on the other diagonal combinations were all features that were used.
Another common feature was corners scoring.
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